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Illinois Legislative News: May 24, 2024

Illinois Legislative News: May 24, 2024 Third Reading Consulting Group As of Friday morning, House and Senate Democrat leadership and Gov. J.B. Pritzker reportedly reached a budget agreement. Even so, no FY 2025 budget amendments have been introduced yet. Gov....

Louisiana News and Session Update: May 19-24, 2024

Haynie & Associates The fast pace at the Capitol will intensify as we head into the final week of the 85-day Louisiana Regular Legislative Session, which will conclude no later than 6:00 p.m. on Monday, June 3. There has been growing talk of adjourning as early as...

The Latest in Oklahoma: May 20, 2024

The Latest in Oklahoma: May 20, 2024 A&A Advocates Gov. Kevin Stitt signed House Bill 3190 into law on Wednesday, bringing significant changes to the prior authorization process. New requirements include: prior authorization procedures must be published on...

Illinois Legislative News: May 20, 2024

Illinois Legislative News: May 20, 2024 Third Reading Consulting Group The U.S. Census Bureau published its 2023 City and Town Population Estimates. Illinois’ estimated population stands at 12,549,689, ranking it as the sixth most populous state in the country. The...

Louisiana News and Session Update: May 18, 2024

Haynie & Associates The fast pace at the Capitol is only going to intensify as we head into the final 17 calendar days of the 85-day Louisiana Regular Legislative Session that concludes at 6:00 pm on June 3rd. Most of the big decisions take place in these final...

Update on the Nebraska Legislature from Mueller Robak

Update on the Nebraska Legislature from Mueller Robak The Nebraska Legislature adjourned sine die on April 18, bringing an end to the 2024 regular session. On the final day of action, the Legislature passed several bills, including a bill appropriating state dollars...

Carrara Nevada’s Legislative Insider: May 2024

Third Reading Consulting Group, an NASL member firm, provides an update on the latest legislative news below: On January 19, the Illinois Supreme Court unanimously upheld a 2019 law (SB 1300) to consolidate local police and firefighter pension systems. This was the...

Illinois Legislative News: May 13, 2024

Illinois Legislative News: May 13, 2024 Session Update Both the House of Representatives and the Senate were in session last week, following opposite chamber committee deadline on May 3. A few remaining bills in both chambers had their opposite chamber committee...

Illinois Legislative News: May 6, 2024

Illinois Legislative News: May 6, 2024 Third Reading Consulting Group Election Omnibus Bill On Wednesday, Democrats in the Illinois House of Representatives filed HFA 2 to SB 2412, creating an election omnibus bill with three major provisions. Firstly, it changes...

Arkansas Fiscal Session Wrap-up

Arkansas Fiscal Session Wrap-up (May 3, 2024) Mullenix & Associates The General Assembly wrapped up much of its Fiscal Session business yesterday. Members will reconvene on Thursday, May 9 to adjourn sine die. Highlights of the past few days include: Both chambers...