Celebrating the New Website

October 2, 2023

Dear Fellow NASL Members,

Thank you for your continued interest in and engagement with our new website. With your support, we’ve seen a sizeable uptick in traffic on statelobbyists.org and across NASL’s social media platforms. Our LinkedIn has seen the greatest traction, with big jumps in searches and followers. 

We hope you will help us leverage this attention to drive even greater awareness of NASL, our members, and their incredible work. Please continue to send content for blogs, videos, and more, and share statelobbyists.org with your colleagues, partners, and friends.

Our hard work to refresh the website is already paying off. Let’s maximize our efforts by keeping the content as fresh and dynamic as possible. Thank you again for your ideas and input. 

Ted Mullenix
NASL Public Relations, Website, & Member Announcements