Member Spotlight: Jodi Hart, RRJ Consulting

March 15, 2024

Seasoned lobbyist, public policy expert, walking encyclopedia of industry best practices… there are no limits to Jodi Hart’s capabilities. As a partner at RRJ Consulting, she uses her decades of experience to represent clients’ interests at the Utah State Capitol. Capitalizing on her reputation as one of “America’s top lobbyists,” she also serves as a champion for her peers across the country. Learn more about Jodi, long-time NASL board member and chair of our annual meeting programming committee, in the Q&A below: 


Can you walk us through what a day at RRJ Consulting looks like for you?

Every day is unique, but it often entails working with clients to identify their needs and strategizing tactics to protect those interests, whether proactively or defensively. This could include educating legislators about issues of importance, helping pass or amend relevant bills, attending hearings, creating coalitions, and more. Utah is unique because we have a 45-day session and interim meetings every third Wednesday of the month, which means legislative activity often happens fast and furiously. No matter the day, the focus and crux of our work are relationships with our clients, legislators, and other government partners.

You’re one of Utah’s foremost public policy experts. What do you consider your specialties?

RRJ has a wealth of long-term clients, many exceeding 20 years. We consider these companies and organizations an extension of our team, almost like family members, and we know their issues well. This deep understanding and knowledge have allowed me to develop specialties, including health care, telecommunications, criminal justice, utilities, banking, and other financial institutions.

You frequently speak on behalf of the lobbying industry. What led you to develop this area of expertise?

For 14 years, I’ve been the president of the Utah Capitol Hill Association, the go-to umbrella organization for lobbyists in our state. In this role, I’ve become the point person for my colleagues and legislators, fielding all their questions. This experience has segued into serving as a guest lecturer at different universities’ political science departments, including for my alma mater, Southern Utah University, about best practices, ethics, and rules within the lobbying industry.


In addition to a busy professional calendar, you devote your time to serving Utah-based organizations. Can you share more about your current community involvement?

I’m passionate about supporting the next generation of leaders, whether by serving on Southern Utah University’s board of trustees or as president of the Utah Alliance for Boys & Girls Clubs. I love seeing the transformational impact our educational institutions and nonprofits can have on young people’s lives. Consider the Boys & Girls Club as a prime example. Every year, during the Youth of the Year breakfast, I’m inspired to see students who have previously struggled be celebrated and rewarded for their perseverance, hard work, and leadership. 

What benefits do you experience from being part of NASL?

I became actively engaged with NASL in 2005 when I attended one of our annual meetings in California. I quickly realized how helpful it was to be part of an association that regularly encourages its members to network, learn from each other, and expand their expertise. I decided to volunteer to put together the agenda for the following year. Along with my co-chair, Sunnie Harmon, I’m fortunate that my fellow member firms still trust me to oversee all content for our annual meetings—the speakers, panelists, breakout sessions, you name it. These gatherings cover a lot of ground, and Sunnie and I are committed to ensuring something for everyone. I’m also proud to serve on NASL’s board of directors. NASL is an incredible resource. Among our members, there’s an atmosphere of collaboration and trust. We have each other’s backs, and we’re dedicated to being a “guidebook” to ensure our fellow firms and their clients succeed.

Learn more about Jodi and the RRJ Consulting team here.