Michigan Legislative Consultants’ Intel: November 17, 2023

November 17, 2023

Weekly Recap: The legislature adjourned Sine Die this week, officially ending session for 2023.

The Other Side of Lobbying: In the latest in our series, MLC partner and lobbyist Tony Des Chenes shares a behind-the-scenes look into a non-session day as a lobbyist.

Key Points: While many have a picture in their head when they hear lobbyist, there is an entire side that most people don’t see. Making the most of non-session days includes reaching out to clients, educating legislators and staff, and building relationships. 

Importance: Non-session days are key to achieving success. Given term limits and turnovers with staff, taking intentional time to build relationships and educate key decision-makers on our clients and their issues is a vital piece of finding success when the legislature is voting on key pieces of legislation.


Michigan Congressman Retiring: Democratic Congressman Dan Kildee announced he won’t run for reelection in 2024, setting up another competitive race in Michigan.

Key Points: Congressman Kildee first began serving in public office at 18 when he was elected to the Flint Board of Education. Since that time, he’s served as a Genesee County Commissioner and Genesee County Treasurer. He was first elected to Congress in 2012 and currently sits on the powerful Ways and Means Committee and the Budget Committee.

Importance: While this district has a 54% Democratic base, it’s been trending away from Democratic control. Experts have viewed this as a competitive seat in 2024 and now without an incumbent, it will be even more so. 


Fiscal Year Revenue Declines: With the end of the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year having passed, the House Fiscal Agency released a report outlining the various collections for the fiscal year, as well as October 2023 revenue numbers.

Key Points: Total cash collections for the fiscal year declined by 4.9% from the prior year, as did gross income tax collections and consumption tax revenue. During October, both General Fund/General Purpose and School Aid Fund revenue came in lower than prior estimates by $169.2 million and $93.7 million respectively.

Importance: Revenue numbers are key as they not only help provide insight into the state of the economy in Michigan, but they are what the executive office and legislature use to craft the state budget each year.


Commission Seeking Input on Grants: The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) is seeking public input on a draft request for proposals (RFP) for a renewable energy and electrification infrastructure enhancement and development grant program.

Key Points: The program prioritizes funding for infrastructure or planning projects that meet one or more of the MI Health Climate Plan goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition toward economy-wide carbon neutrality. Interested stakeholders are asked to submit comments by the end of the month, with the application process beginning at the end of December. 

Importance: $21.3 million was appropriated to the grant program, to help businesses, nonprofits, local governments, and tribal governments fund planning, developing, designing, acquiring, or constructing renewable energy and electrification projects.


Data Privacy Bill Introduced: Senator Rosemary Bayer (D-Keego Harbor) introduced the “Personal Data Privacy Act,” which aims to establish consumer privacy rights in Michigan.

Key Points: The bill would establish a number of rights for consumers including opting out of targeted advertising and the sale of their personal data. It sets up a mechanism for consumers to reach out to entities regarding their information, how and when they must respond, as well as an appeals process.

Importance: Questions surrounding the use and sale of consumer’s personal information continue to grow as nearly all aspects of our lives are online. This proposal is one legislator’s response to the growing concerns voiced by consumers statewide.

Next Week: The House and Senate have completed session for the year and will not hold session or committees.