Mullenix & Associates: Julie and Ted Celebrate Granddaughter Blair

August 21, 2023

As any colleague, state government partner, or Arkansas elected official will tell you, Julie and Ted Mullenix are workhorses. They love what they do and are passionate about representing their client’s interests at the State Capitol. However, there’s one activity they may enjoy even more than lobbying. And that’s spending time with their adorable granddaughter Blair.
Like any two-year-old, Blair has strong opinions about what she wants to do, eat, wear, you name it. And Julie and Ted are happy to oblige. Recently, Blair has become an avid fan of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So, what’s on a constant loop at Julie and Ted’s house? You guessed it.
Recently, while in Orlando for the American Legislative Exchange Council’s 50 th Annual Meeting, Julie couldn’t resist purchasing a pair of mouse ears for Blair. To no one’s surprise, the gift was a huge hit. Now, Blair can happily watch her favorite TV show at her grandparent’s house, complete with a matching costume.
It’s hard to beat 25 years of success lobbying for clients at the Arkansas Capitol. But for Julie and Ted, there’s nothing quite like winning a big smile or hug from their precious and precocious granddaughter Blair.